88英雄(88 Heroes) Mac版 拯救地球免遭完全的毁灭 v2.0.0.1

摘 要


88英雄(88 Heroes) Mac版 拯救地球免遭完全的毁灭
所属分类:大小100M-500M  动作冒险 系统:macOS 10.15或更高版本 大小:325.98MB | 语言:英文 | 授权:破解 最后更新:2023年02月20日


88英雄(88 Heroes) mac破解游戏是知您网搜集到的Mac os系统上一款由Bitmap Bureau制作,Rising Star Games发行的一款混乱的2D冒险游戏,本作中玩家需要在88分钟内完成4个区域(每个区都有特别BOSS)里的88个关卡,在阻止Dr.H8摧毁地球的过程中,你将要用到88个英雄的独特能力(每个英雄都不同)。 每次你玩的时候英雄都是随机选择的,这样给每次都挑战都能带来新鲜感和挑战性。游戏中也有许多模式,比如Solo模式,你只能玩一个英雄,也有可以玩8个英雄的Magnificent 8模式。
88英雄(88 Heroes) for Mac破解游戏设定

88英雄(88 Heroes) for Mac破解游戏特点

  • 88个不同的英雄!发现他们独特的力量并利用他们征服每个阶段-如果他们死了,他们将永远消失(好吧,有点)!
  • 88个不同的级别!在四个世界探索H8博士的巢穴,避开各种致命的障碍和邪恶的英雄粉碎敌人。
  • 每关88秒!时钟已经滴答作响;你能在88分钟的世界末日计时器用完之前到达H8博士在他的轨道空间站的顶层公寓吗?!
  • 无尽的重玩价值!每次玩游戏时,英雄都会改变顺序以保持趣味性,您可以尝试用您最喜欢的八位英雄或什至只有一位英雄来挽救局面。祝你好运!



It's 8:08am on 8th August 1988, and the evil Dr. H8 has brought the world to the brink of total annihilation! His demands are simple: pay $88 octillion within 88 minutes, or Dr. H8's 88 thermo-nuclear warheads will wipe out the Earth! But who will save us in our time of need? The bravest? The boldest? No... the 88 Heroes!
Prepare to infiltrate Dr. H8’s lair with the help of the strangest, dumbest and most pointless superheroes ever! With 88 levels between you and Dr. H8, only 88 seconds to complete each level and the 88-minute Doomsday clock already ticking, lead 88 unique characters – each with their own special abilities – on a platform-hopping, enemy-smashing, danger-dodging mission to save Earth from complete destruction!
Can the 88 Heroes save the day? Let’s hope so! They called the best, but the best were busy…

  • 88 different heroes! Discover their unique powers and use them to conquer each stage - if they die though, they're lost forever (well, sort of)!
  • 88 different levels! Explore Dr. H8's lair across four worlds, avoiding all manner of deadly obstacles and evil hero-crushing enemies.
  • 88 seconds per level! The clock's already ticking; can you make it to Dr. H8's penthouse in his orbiting space station before the 88-minute Doomsday timer runs out?!
  • Endless replay value! Heroes change order every time you play to keep things interesting, and you can try to save the day with your favourite eight heroes or even just one. Good luck!


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注意:“88英雄(88 Heroes)” Mac破解游戏需要通过键盘来操作,无法通过鼠标点击进入游戏;

文件下载 系统:macOS 10.15或更高版本 大小:325.98MB | 语言:英文 | 授权:破解 经确认:支持Intel/M1/M2芯片、Big Sur/Monterey/Ventura运行
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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: