Disk Map Mac版 硬盘可视化工具 v2.6

摘 要

Disk Map for Mac破解版是一款简单实用的Mac硬盘可视化工具,Disk Map for Mac破解版可以快速扫描您的驱动器,以便在计算机上构建令人惊叹的文件和文件夹的treemap视觉显示,赶紧下载试试吧!

Disk Map Mac版 硬盘可视化工具
所属分类:小于50M  其它工具 系统:(需64位CPU) macOS 10.8或更高版本 大小:10.09MB | 语言:英文 | 授权:破解 最后更新:2021年07月01日


Disk Map破解版是知您网搜集到的mac os系统上一款可以帮助我们直观的检测硬盘文件空间占用情况的工具,以图形化的形式帮助我们查看文件占用硬盘空间的具体状况,非常直观明了,我们可以通过这款工具直接删除不需要的文件,以达到释放硬盘空间的目的,非常方便!
Disk Map for Mac软件下载功能介绍
Disk Map for Mac可以方便地显示垃圾邮件驱动器的文件和文件夹。它使您能够快速找到,删除或压缩硬盘上的大文件和文件夹,并回收宝贵的空间。Disk Map for Mac可以快速扫描您的驱动器,以便在计算机上构建令人惊叹的文件和文件夹的treemap视觉显示,使您可以轻松浏览文件系统,并找出占用最多空间的内容。
Disk Map for Mac软件下载功能特色
通过能够无缝放大/缩小应用程序的光滑,视网膜优化的图表显示,您可以深入深入探索。扫描内部和外部存储驱动器,并选择显示隐藏/系统文件,阻止某些文件类型,在Finder / Quick Look中查看它们等等!
除了可以选择五种漂亮而令人愉快的配色方案之外,您还可以查看驱动器数据,还可以忽略所选的文件格式/文件夹,并指定要扫描的最小文件大小。Disk Map使您完全控制。


Disk Map makes it easy to visualize the files and folders that are cluttering up your storage drives. It enables you to quickly locate, delete or compress large files and folders on your hard drive and reclaim valuable space. The app quickly scans your drives to build a stunning treemap visual display of files and folders on your computer, allowing you to easily navigate through your file system and find out what is taking up the most space.
Key Features:

  • A gorgeous retina-optimised UI design
  • Support for scanning both internal and external hard drives (including selected folders within these drives)
  • Zoom in/out of folders
  • Open files/folders in Finder
  • Quick Look support
  • Five beautiful and pleasing treemap colour schemes to choose from
  • Ignore specified file formats and folders
  • Specify a minimum file size to scan for
  • Compress files at the click of a button
  • Delete items to Trash Can or permanently according to your requirements
  • Hide/Show system and hidden files via the app’s preferences
  • Hit the Reload button to refresh folders without the need to perform a new scan

We’ve worked hard to make Disk Map as simple and efficient as possible for you to use. We would love to hear your thoughts via email and make any improvements to future versions of this app. We intend to have an active development cycle powered by your feedback, love and support!

Version 2.6:

  • Bug fixes


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"Disk Map" Mac历史版本


文件下载 系统:(需64位CPU) macOS 10.8或更高版本 大小:10.09MB | 语言:英文 | 授权:破解 经确认:支持Big Sur、M1芯片运行
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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: