Double Commander mac – 资源管理器 v0.7.7 Beta Build 7285

2017年1月1日03:08:31 发表评论 3,193

Double Commander mac是一款免费开源的资源管理器软件。Double Commander Mac其最大的优势就在于开源免费,多作者共同创作、跨平台、支持Total Commander的WCX、WDX and WLX插件支持,都得益于其开源这一特性。
Double Commander mac – 资源管理器 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v0.7.7 Beta Build 7285</span>的预览图
1、双窗口多 TAB 标签,并在双窗口中各有一个分区工具栏;
2、鼠标功能(支持 NC 多选模式,并能双击右键弹出系统菜单,左键缓慢两次单击文件或文件夹改名,无需按Enter键确定,可以配置左键、右键、中键、额外两个鼠标侧键单击、双击、两次缓慢单击,长时间按下四种状态的功能等);
3、按键面板功能(类似于TC的工具栏,可以在面板上添加相应的外部程序按钮或程序内置功能按钮以实现相应功能,并支持按下左键、中键、右键切换三个面板,三个面板共可以添加96个外部程序或MC内置功能)在"配置"菜单中选择 "button editor”,配置按钮面板;
4、实时过滤功能(相比 TC 的插件Quick Extremes Search的过滤功能差一些,无拼音首字母过滤功能,但是支持部分字符串的过滤功能。不显示含有相应字符串的文件 ¥ 文件夹过滤功能、时间过滤功能)


Double Commander is a cross-platform open source file manager with two panels side-by-side. It is inspired by Total Commander and features some new ideas. Here are some key features of Double Commander:
- Unicode support
- All operations working in background
- Multi-rename tool
- Tabbed interface
- Custom columns
- Internal text editor (F4) with syntax highlighting
- Built in file viewer (F3) to view files of in hex, binary or text format
- Archives are handled like subdirectories. You can easily copy files to and from archives. Supported archive types: ZIP, TAR GZ, TGZ, LZMA and also BZ2, RPM, CPIO, DEB, RAR.
- Extended search function with full text search in any files
- Configurable button bar to start external programs or internal menu commands
- Total Commander WCX, WDX and WLX plug-ins support
- File operations logging
- And much more…
Double Commander mac – 资源管理器 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v0.7.7 Beta Build 7285</span>的预览图
Version 0.7.7:
- [Default] Start exe from command line should not inherit cashed PATH variable (Alexx2000) resolved.
- [Default] Double commander causes Dual-GPU MacBook Pro to switch to high-performance graphics (Alexx2000) resolved.
- [Graphical user interface] Search dialog doesn't find anything if it's shown for the first time (Alexx2000) resolved.
- [File operations] After cancelling rar unpacking, the .rar file remains locked (Alexx2000) resolved.
- [File operations] After cancelling extraction from paused state, the partially extracted file is locked, and thus cannot be deleted or overwritten (Alexx2000) resolved.
- [File operations] It's not possible to read some files (file names) from FTP destination . (Alexx2000) resolved.
- [Graphical user interface] После повторного выбора вида "Эскизы" переключается на "Подробный" (Alexx2000) resolved.
- [File operations] Moving directory does not preserve the directory timestamps (Alexx2000) resolved.


系统:mac 10.6及以上
版本:0.7.7 Beta Build 7285
测试电脑:MacBook Pro(Osx 10.12.1)


1、城通网盘 | 2、百度网盘 | 3、微云下载

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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: