魔物学园2: 魔物营地Monster Prom 2: Monster Camp Mac版 文字冒险解密游戏 v2.16a

摘 要

我知道很多游戏高手Lsp在现实中可能经常难以下手,只能暗暗单恋自己喜欢的对象!没关系,小编终于找到了一款教你约会谈恋爱的游戏——《Monster Prom 2: Monster Camp》,在这款商业模拟游戏中,你需要在毕业晚会上找到舞伴,Lsp们努力学习吧!

魔物学园2: 魔物营地Monster Prom 2: Monster Camp Mac版 文字冒险解密游戏
所属分类:策略游戏  大小500M-1G 适配:macOS 10.13或更高 大小:721.41MB | 语言:英文 | 授权:破解 最后更新:2024年06月12日
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魔物学园2: 魔物营地Monster Prom 2: Monster Camp mac游戏下载是知您网搜集到的Mac os系统上由Beautiful Glitch制作并发行的一款美式画风的文字冒险游戏,该游戏是《魔物学院》的第二部作品,将第一部的校园生活变成了野营生活,在游戏中,玩家将扮演一个魔物进行冒险,面对各种各样的魔物,进行独特的冒险,感受经典的文字冒险玩法,同时可以对自己的角色进行自定义,延续前作的经典玩法,享受全新的冒险哦!
本次的续作将带你进入一个全新的场景(夏令营),有新的可攻略同学,不论是老面孔,还是新面孔。Damien, Calculester, Milo, Dahlia, Joy还有Aaravi,但这并不是全部,魔物营地的约会之路更加曲折:从毕业舞会到一个充满魔法混合饮料的新阶段。

Monster Prom 2: Monster Camp Mac游戏下载设定

知您网游戏提供的Monster Prom 2: Monster Camp for Mac破解游戏是一个多人约会模拟器,发生在怪物营地。游戏充满了魅力和黑色幽默。游戏活动被转移到夏令营,青少年在新学年开始前休息。

Monster Prom 2: Monster Camp Mac游戏下载亮点 

游戏玩法是一种结合了点击和视觉小说的探索。有几个地点可供研究:营地、森林、湖泊和其它风景如画的地方。选择一个角色并尝试与其他英雄建立关系。您可以与当地美女美女交朋友、结仇或谈恋爱。任何池的代表之间都有可能发生浪漫。该游戏对同性关系和 LGBT 社区完全开放。游戏玩法的主要优势是怪物,它们是具有特殊性格特征和大量讽刺幽默的个性。


Monster Prom 2: Monster Camp Crack is a multiplayer dating simulator set in a monster camp. The game is replete with charismatic characters and dark humor. The events of the game are transferred to a summer camp, where teenagers relax before the start of a new school year.
The characters include both old heroes and many new ones: Damien, Calculester, Milo, Dahlia, Joy and Aravi. Monster Prom 2: Monster Camp features new mechanics, such as campfire gatherings and other innovations. The developers add additional features and a huge amount of new content to the beloved elements of the previous part, significantly expanding the sequel.
The gameplay is a quest combined with point-n-click and visual novel. Several locations are available for exploration: camp, forest, lake and other picturesque places. Choose a character and try to establish relationships with other characters. You can make friends, make enemies, or participate in romantic relationships with local handsome men and beauties. Romance is possible between representatives of any pool. The game is completely open to same-sex relationships and the LGBT community. The main advantage of the gameplay is the monsters, which are individual personalities with special character traits and a huge amount of sarcastic humor.

文件下载 芯片:✅ 支持Intel/M1/M2/M3 适配:macOS 10.13或更高 大小:721.41MB | 语言:英文 | 授权:破解 兼容:✅ Big Sur/Monterey/Ventura/Sonoma运行
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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: