010 Editor Mac版 专业的文本及十六进制编辑器 v15.0.1 注册破解版

摘 要

010 Editor破解版是最受欢迎的十六进制编辑器。010 Editor Mac破解软件有别于传统的十六进位编辑器在于它可用’范本’来解析二进位文件,从而让你读懂和编辑它,还可用来比较一切可视的二进位文件。需要的知友快来下载使用吧!

010 Editor Mac版 专业的文本及十六进制编辑器
所属分类:小于50M  编程开发 适配:macOS 10.12或更高 大小:41.49MB | 语言:英文 | 授权:破解 最后更新:2024年10月15日
010 Editor Mac破解版下载免费尽在知您网zhiniw.com010 Editor Mac破解版下载免费尽在知您网zhiniw.com010 Editor Mac破解版下载免费尽在知您网zhiniw.com010 Editor Mac破解版下载免费尽在知您网zhiniw.com


安装、破解和使用010 Editor建议在断网情况下进行,如果想要联网使用,请安装防火墙软件

【软件“010 Editor”安装和破解
010 Editor mac软件镜像包下载完了后,首先将软件“010 Editor”拖至Mac应用程序中完成安装;
从Mac应用程序中运行软件“010 Editor”,在菜单栏点击“010 Editor”-“about 010 Editor”
010 Editor Mac破解版知您网详细描述的截图
点击 Licensing
010 Editor Mac破解版知您网详细描述的截图
跳出注册界面,我们将它先放一边,回到010 Editor Mac软件镜像包复制粘贴注册信息,随后点击 “Activate license”
010 Editor Mac破解版知您网详细描述的截图
010 Editor Mac破解成功!
010 Editor Mac破解版知您网详细描述的截图
010 Editor Mac破解版知您网详细描述的截图
键盘组合: “ SHIFT + OPTION + . ” 显示系统隐藏文件;
然后找到路径: 本地磁盘/Users/管理员用户名/.config/SweetScape,删除010 Editor.ini, 重新注册即可!
010 Editor Mac破解版知您网详细描述的截图
然后退出软件“010 Editor”,重复上述破解步骤,就可以完成软件 010 Editor Mac破解成功!

若不能打开软件“010 Editor”,并提示【“XXX”已损坏,无法打开。您应该将它移到废纸篓。】 ,那就来点猛料,按下面的操作设置:

sudo xattr -r -d com.apple.quarantine /Applications/010\ Editor.app




010 Editor Mac破解版下载是知您网搜集到的Mac os系统上一款专业的文本及十六进制编辑器。010 Editor for Mac破解软件可以编辑文本文件,XML,HTML,Unicode和UTF-8文件,C / C ++源代码等,支持超过50 GB的大文件编辑。010 Editor编辑器还可以使用二进制模板将文件解析为分层结构。与仅使用原始十六进制字节相比,运行二进制模板的结果更易于理解和编辑

010 Editor Mac软件功能介绍

知您网软件带来的010 Editor破解版是一款快速且强大的十六进制编辑器,用来编辑二进制文件。它有一个友好易于使用的界面,无限次的undo和redo操作。另外还可以打印十六进制的字节或者以书签的方式标出某些重要的字节,支持二进制模板(binary template)系统。
SweetScape 010 Editor Mac破解软件提供独特的二进制模板技术,通过将文件解析并显示为易于使用的结构,帮助您理解二进制文件的字节。以下示例将为您说明二进制模板的工作方式:打开您计算机上的任何 ZIP、BMP 或 WAV 文件时,将在这些文件上自动运行二进制模板。二进制模板的编写十分简便,其使用的语言类似于 C/C++ 结构,只不过它们更强大,而且可以被配置成分析任何二进制格式。此外,在线提供由其他人编写的模板库。

010 Editor Mac软件功能特色

编辑文本文件,XML,HTML,Unicode和UTF-8文件,C / C ++源代码等。
巨大的文件支持(50 GB +)。
二进制模板 – 十六进制编辑到一个新的水平
为什么010 Editor如此强大?与仅显示文件(1)的原始十六进制字节的传统十六进制编辑器不同,010 Editor还可以使用二进制模板(2)将文件解析为层次结构。运行二进制模板的结果比仅使用原始十六进制字节更容易理解和编辑
二进制模板易于编写,看起来类似于C / C ++结构,除了它们可能包含if,for或while语句以及函数或复杂表达式。
分析工具 – 深入了解您的数据
010 Editor中包含许多复杂的工具,用于分析和编辑二进制文件.
脚本 – 自动编辑
可以使用类似于C / C ++的语法自动执行简单或复杂的编辑操作。


SweetScape 010 Editor Crack is a professional-grade text editor and hex editor designed to quickly and easily edit any file or drive on your computer. Combining an easy-to-use interface with a whole range of editing tools, 010 Editor is a valuable tool for anyone working with text or binary files. One of the most powerful features of 010 Editor is the ability to parse virtually any binary file using a Binary Template. Instead of browsing through a long range of hex bytes as with traditional hex editors, Binary Templates allow a file to be understood. Templates are easy to write and can be used to completely parse any data format, such as BMP or ZIP files (Templates for reading these files are included with 010 Editor).
A Binary Template looks similar to a C/C++ structure, but is actually run as a program. Every time a variable is declared in a Template, that variable is mapped to a set of hex bytes in a file. Data in the file can then be read or written by modifying the variable. Because the Template is run as a program, if, for, or while statements as well as functions or complex expressions can be used. When a Template is run, the defined variables can be edited using the Template Results, as shown on the left. New Templates can be added to 010 Editor and can even be configured to run automatically when a file is loaded.

  • View and edit any binary file on your hard drive (unlimited file size) and text files including Unicode files, C/C++ source code, etc.
  • Unique Binary Templates technology allows you to understand any binary file format.
  • Find and fix problems with hard drives, floppy drives, memory keys, flash drives, CD-ROMs, processes, etc.
  • Analyze and edit binary data with powerful tools including Find, Replace, Find in Files, Binary Comparisons, Checksum/Hash Algorithms, Histograms, etc.
  • Powerful scripting engine allows automation of many tasks (language is very similar to C).
  • Import and export your binary data in a number of different formats.

Version 15.0.1:
Fixed 'Format > Comment Selection' was not detecting the proper syntax in most cases.
Fixed when opening a file as hex and switching to text mode, sometimes the current linefeeds were not displayed in the status bar.
Fixed 'View > Linefeeds > Initial Wrap State' was not being respected in some cases.
Fixed the ASCII+OEM character set was not displaying the first 32 characters properly.
Fixed input method editors now respect overwrite mode.
Fixed 'Copy as Text Area' was not properly copying some non-ASCII characters.
Fixed changing the Home/End keyboard shortcut on macOS was not working.

010 Editor Mac软件下载历史版本

版本 下载 密码
15.0 立即下载 ssay
14.0.1 立即下载 ssay
14.0 立即下载 ssay
12.0.1 立即下载 ssay
12.0 立即下载 ssay
11.0.1 立即下载 ssay
11.0 立即下载 ssay
10.0.2 立即下载 ssay
文件下载 芯片:✅ 支持Intel/M1/M2/M3 适配:macOS 10.12或更高 大小:41.49MB | 语言:英文 | 授权:破解 兼容:✅ Big Sur/Monterey/Ventura/Sonoma/Sequoia运行
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