Airflow Mac版 优秀的视频投屏工具 v3.3.5

摘 要

Airflow for Mac破解版不止是影片投放那么简单,它还支持手动选择字幕,影片,细节设定等操作。这款软件界面简单实用,即便您是第一次使用,也能在短时间内学会并且操作自如,使得您可以随时随地的享受影片带来的乐趣。

Airflow Mac版 优秀的视频投屏工具
所属分类:小于50M  其它工具 系统:macOS 10.12.2或更高版本 大小:66.08MB | 语言:英文 | 授权:破解 最后更新:2023年04月07日


Airflow mac破解版是知您网搜集到的Mac os系统上一款简单又优秀的视频投放工具。使用知您网官网分享的Airflow破解版Mac软件能够帮助用户提供在无需处理复杂配置的情况下进行视频投放,无论是Apple TV,还是ChromeCast设备,您都可以通过WiFi网络进行传输投放。真正做到了没有等待,没有索引,只要您轻轻拖动就可以观看Apple TV和Chromecast上的视频内容。
Airflow for Mac软件下载功能介绍
知您网软件提供的Airflow Mac破解版将视频内容流投射到您的苹果电视或ChromeCast设备上。为你提供了在无需处理复杂配置的情况下,将视频内容流投射到苹果电视和ChromeCast设备上的可能性。Airflow会扫描网络以获取可用的设备,并允许你将之前添加到应用程序播放列表中的任何文件进行流播放。
知您网官网分享的Airflow for Mac破解版主窗口中,顶部的工具栏包括了流媒体的控制按钮,而在底部区域,你可以监控和分析应用的行为,以及回放流。中间的界面是为视频播放列表保留的,只需要将文件拖放到Airflow主窗口的顶部,就可以将它们串流。知您网官网分享的Airflow破解版还可以通过简单的拖放来重新排列视频,让你可以看到视频缩略图和当前选定视频的相关元数据。
配置Airflow应用的目的是为了确保你的Mac和Apple TV或ChromeCast设备连接到同一个无线网络。当你决定使用哪种设备时,Airflow会自动扫描可用的设备,并建立连接。另一方面,管理你想要播放的视频内容也同样简单,你可以通过拖放操作来导入和重新排列文件,而Airflow也会为使用字幕提供支持。
Airflow for Mac软件下载功能特色
寻求不一定是个谜。通过即时清理预览,您可以知道在内容加载之前您将在哪里着陆。当使用触摸遥控器擦洗时,也可在Apple TV 4上使用。
Chromecast和Apple TV均提供完整的5.1音频支持。


Airflow offers you the possibility to stream video content to Apple TV and ChromeCast devices connected to your WiFi network without having to deal with complex configurations.
The utility scans the network for available devices and allows you to stream any file that has been previously added to the app’s playlist.
No-nonsense user interface that gets you started in no time
The top toolbar included in the Airflow main window includes control buttons for the streaming, while in the bottom area you get to monitor and analyze the app’s behavior, and the playback stream.
The center stage is reserved for the video playlist: just drag and drop the files on top of the Airflow main window to be able to stream them.
Airflow also offers you the possibility to rearrange the videos with a simple drag and drop and allows you to see the video thumbnail and associated metadata for the currently selected video.
Stream video content to Apple TV and ChromeCast devices
Once everything is in place, just select the video you want to stream and press the “Play” button situated in the top area of the Airflow main window. You can also pause or stop the playback, skip to the next track, or monitor the playback progress.
If you set your mouse on top of the Airflow playback progress bar, the app enables you to preview the video frames. In addition, Airflow can start the playback where you left off if you jumped to a different video, or in between sessions.
User-friendly solution for streaming media content over the WiFi
Configuring the Airflow application is reduced to making sure your Mac版 and the Apple TV or ChromeCast devices are connected to the same wireless network. Airflow will automatically scan for available devices and establish the connection once you decide which one you want to use.
On the other hand, managing the video content you want to stream is equally straightforward: you get to import and rearrange the files with drag and drop actions, and Airflow will also provide support for using subtitles.

Version 3.3.53:

  • Release notes were unavailable when this listing was updated.


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文件下载 系统:macOS 10.12.2或更高版本 大小:66.08MB | 语言:英文 | 授权:破解 经确认:支持Intel/M1/M2芯片、Big Sur/Monterey/Ventura运行
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