Business Cards Templates for Pages mac v1.2.0

2016年11月28日16:13:07 发表评论 2,345

Business Cards Templates for Pages是一款macOS平台的名片设计Page模板套件,可以在mac电脑上为我们提供大量设计精美的Page模板,供我们用于名片设计,我们可以根据自己的实际设计需求选择相应的Pages模板进行更改,大大提高我们设计名片文件的效率
Business Cards Templates for Pages mac <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v1.2.0</span>的预览图

Business Cards Templates for Pages is a top-quality set of over 190 original templates for Apple’s Pages word processing app. Whether you choose a tried and tested professional look or opt for a more creative and colorful style, Graphic Node’s templates will help you represent your company the best you can.
Business Cards Templates for Pages mac <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v1.2.0</span>的预览图
Every object in Business Cards Templates for Pages can be easily recolored, reshaped, moved, or removed. Type or paste your own text, add or remove text boxes, and change the font if you want to. Every layout – from the classic elegance of traditional fax layouts to the joyful colors of more eye-catching designs – features great creativity and usability.
Business Cards Templates for Pages mac <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v1.2.0</span>的预览图
The templates are available in the US and international page sizes.
Business Cards Templates for Pages mac <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v1.2.0</span>的预览图
Version 1.2:
- New 10 business cards templates.


系统:mac 10.10及以上
测试电脑:MacBook Pro(Osx 10.12.1)
开发商:Graphic Node.


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