Crafty Survivors Mac破解游戏 Roguelike冒险 v0.9.0.0 中文直装版

摘 要

Crafty Survivors Mac版是款Roguelike动作游戏,玩家扮演工匠角色如厨师、裁缝,在随机生成的世界中生存冒险。需收集资源、制作装备,解锁新角色和技能,挑战无限可能。

Crafty Survivors Mac破解游戏 Roguelike冒险
所属分类:大小100M-500M  动作冒险 适配:macOS 10.13或更高 大小:167.40MB | 语言:多国语言[中文] | 授权:破解 最后更新:2024年10月08日
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Crafty Survivors mac破解版下载是知您网搜集到的Mac os系统上一款采用多彩像素图形的roguelike动作游戏,这款游戏将玩家置于一个充满随机元素的世界中,与其它Roguelike游戏不同的是,主角并不是传统的英雄人物,而是像厨师、裁缝这样的工匠角色。
Crafty Survivors for Mac破解游戏特色
• Roguelike随机元素:每一次游戏都是全新的冒险,随机生成的地图和敌人确保了游戏的新鲜感和无限重玩价值,让玩家每次都能享受不同的挑战。
• 工匠角色解锁:通过游戏进度,玩家可以解锁包括厨师、裁缝在内的多种工匠角色。每个角色都拥有独特的技能和特性,为游戏增添了更多策略性和趣味性。
• 村庄升级系统:玩家可以升级自己的村庄,解锁额外增益和新角色,提升整体战斗力,为后续的冒险做好充分准备。
• 俯视角射击玩法:游戏采用俯视角射击玩法,为玩家提供紧张刺激的战斗体验。玩家需要灵活操作,击败敌人,收集资源,制作装备。
Crafty Survivors for Mac破解游戏玩法
• 生存挑战:玩家需要在这个充满随机元素的世界中生存下去,击败敌人,收集资源,制作装备,不断提升自己的实力。
• 多样化角色选择:游戏中的角色并非传统的战士或法师,而是日常生活中常见的工匠职业,如厨师、裁缝等。每个角色都有自己的一套技能树和特殊能力,让玩家体验不同的游戏乐趣。
• 随机地图与物品制作:每次游戏的地图都是随机生成的,增加了游戏的不确定性和挑战性。玩家可以收集材料来制作武器、防具等道具,提升自己的战斗力。
• 在这款动作Roguelite游戏中,玩家可以根据每次游戏的角色选择多样化的升级选项,打造独一无二的角色构筑。无论是成为大厨烹饪甜品、焗烤敌人,还是选择裁缝用针线球作为武器缝制敌人,都能让玩家体验到不同的游戏乐趣。
• 从众多工匠与手艺人中挑选一位作为自己的角色,每位都有自己的独特技能与玩法机制。玩家可以运用自己的工匠才艺捍卫家园,享受战斗的乐趣。
• 击败敌人收集材料,用这些资源升级村落,解锁新角色和额外增益,让自己变得更加强大。
• 玩家可以自由选择技能释放方式,无论是手动释放还是自动施法,都能根据自己的喜好和游戏模式进行调整。全自动、全手动或二者兼求,全都由玩家自己决定。
• 与各式各样的生物群落交手,每种都具有独特挑战和战斗方式,游戏持续更新中,为玩家带来更多新鲜内容。
• 形形色色的工匠与手艺人任玩家挑选,随着更新还会有更多新角色加入游戏,让玩家体验更多不同的游戏乐趣。
• 每个角色都拥有独特技能树和上百种技能供玩家探索和学习,让玩家在战斗中不断发现新的策略和组合。
• 专为忙碌玩家准备的快速游戏模式,让玩家随时随地享受游戏乐趣。
• 食物系统为玩家提供进一步自定义的独特游戏体验,让玩家在游戏中拥有更多自主权。
• 锻造和编织系统引入了超过80种全新被动技能,助力玩家打造各个角色的独特游玩风格。
• 为了能让大家更好地了解我们预计为Crafty Survivors推出的内容更新和计划,我们还特地准备了一份开发路线图。
在,下载《Crafty Survivors Mac版》,体验这款充满创意和挑战的Roguelike动作游戏,开启一段独特的工匠冒险之旅!


Crafty Survivors Crack, collected by Zhiniw for Mac OS users, is a roguelike action game featuring vibrant pixel graphics. In this game, players are placed in a world full of random elements, where the main characters are not traditional heroes but craftspersons such as chefs and tailors.
Features of Crafty Survivors for Mac Cracked Version
• Roguelike Random Elements: Every game session is a brand new adventure with randomly generated maps and enemies, ensuring the game remains fresh and infinitely replayable, offering different challenges each time.
• Craftsperson Character Unlocking: Progress through the game to unlock a variety of craftsperson characters, including chefs and tailors. Each character comes with unique skills and traits, adding more strategy and fun to the game.
• Village Upgrade System: Players can upgrade their village to unlock additional bonuses and new characters, enhancing overall combat power and preparing for future adventures.
• Top-Down Shooter Gameplay: The game employs a top-down shooting gameplay style, providing players with an intense and exciting combat experience. Players need to operate flexibly to defeat enemies, collect resources, and craft equipment.
Gameplay of Crafty Survivors for Mac Cracked Version
• Survival Challenge: Players must survive in a world filled with random elements, defeat enemies, collect resources, craft equipment, and continuously improve their strength.
• Diverse Character Selection: Unlike traditional warriors or wizards, the characters in the game are common craft professions in daily life, such as chefs and tailors. Each character has its own skill tree and special abilities, offering • different gaming experiences.
• Random Maps and Item Crafting: Each game session features a randomly generated map, increasing the unpredictability and challenge of the game. Players can collect materials to craft weapons, armor, and other items to boost their combat power.
Unique Build and Character Selection
• In this action roguelite game, players can choose diverse upgrade options based on the character selected for each playthrough, crafting a unique character build. Whether becoming a master chef cooking desserts and roasting enemies or choosing a tailor using needles and thread balls as weapons to sew enemies, players can enjoy varied gaming pleasures.
• Select one of many craftspeople and artisans as your character, each with unique skills and gameplay mechanics. Players can use their craft talents to defend their homes and enjoy the fun of combat.
Upgrade Village and Playstyle
• Defeat enemies to collect materials, then use these resources to upgrade your village, unlock new characters and additional bonuses, making yourself stronger.
• Players can freely choose how to release skills, whether manually or automatically, adjusting according to personal preference and gameplay mode. Fully automatic, fully manual, or a mix of both – it’s all up to the player.
More Game Features
• Engage with a variety of biomes, each presenting unique challenges and combat styles. The game continues to update, bringing more fresh content to players.
• A wide range of craftspeople and artisans are available for selection, with more new characters joining the game with updates, providing players with even more diverse gaming pleasures.
• Each character possesses a unique skill tree and hundreds of skills for players to explore and learn, encouraging the discovery of new strategies and combinations in battle.
• A quick game mode designed for busy players, allowing them to enjoy the game anytime, anywhere.
• A food system provides further customization for a unique gaming experience, giving players more control in the game.
• Forging and weaving systems introduce over 80 new passive skills, aiding players in crafting unique playstyles for each character.
Development Roadmap 
• To better inform players about the content updates and plans we expect to roll out for Crafty Survivors, we have prepared a development roadmap.
At, download Crafty Survivors for Mac to experience this creative and challenging roguelike action game, and embark on a unique adventure with craftspersons!

文件下载 芯片:✅ 支持Intel/M1/M2/M3 适配:macOS 10.13或更高 大小:167.40MB | 语言:多国语言[中文] | 授权:破解 兼容:✅ Big Sur/Monterey/Ventura/Sonoma/Sequoia运行
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