Etcher mac版 是一款Mac平台上可以帮助用户快速将镜像文件刻录到USB设备或闪存卡中的工具软件,Etcher Mac版 对于需要自己制作系统安装U盘的新手用户是一款非常好的工具软件。
之所以说 Etcher 是一个很傻瓜的工具,那是因为它操作起来真的很傻瓜。整个操作只需要点三下鼠标,第一次选择要刻录的镜像文件,支持 .iso、.img 以及 .zip 文件。接着选择要刻录到的设备上,如果你只插上了一个的话它会自动识别,最后就是点击「Burn!」按钮进行刻录了,一切都十分的简单。
Etcher offers you the possibility to burn OS images to any SD card with ease, without making you deal with complicated procedures. The utility integrates a user-friendly disk selection tool, and can verify the card before starting to burn the data,
OS image burner featuring a straightforward user interface
The Etcher open source application relies on a single window where the user gets to specify the OS image that wishes to be burned. The utility is able to work with OS images that are using the .img, .iso, and .zip formats.
The next step is to specify the SD card on which you want to burn the OS image. For your convenience, Etcher can automatically detect external drives and allows you to select the one you want to use from a drop-down menu.
At the same time, the list will not include your internal drive, so there is no possibility to wipe your entire disk.
Monitor the OS image burning process and start over right away
Lastly, you must press the Burn button and monitor the progress in the Etcher main window. Etcher lets’s you know how much of the task has completed, expressed in percents, and the current transfer speed.
When the process is over, the SD card is mounted again, and you will be able to make use of the burned OS image. Etcher also offers you the possibility to burn the same OS image on a new card, or you can load a new OS image.
Note that Etcher comes with very few customization options, yet in the app’s Options panel you can choose to toggle the error reporting function or the auto-unmounting on success.
OS image burning solution that works with SD cards
To sum up, Etcher offers you the possibility to burn OS images on SD cards with ease, without making you deal with a complicated procedure. In fact, the utility comes with a straightforward design that integrates very well with the OS X look and feel.
Version 1.0.0 Beta 14:
Allow archive images to configure a certain amount of bytes to be zeroed out from the beginning of the drive when using bmaps.
Make the "Need help?" link dynamically open the image support url.
Add .bmap support.
系统:mac 10.9及以上
测试电脑:MacBook Pro(Osx 10.11.6)
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