Final Draft 12 Mac版 优秀的剧本创作软件 v12.0.11 Build 112

摘 要

知您网分享的Final Draft 12 for Mac破解版旨在将您的想法变为现实。Final Draft受到制片厂的信任,并受到世界各地著名电影制片人的推荐,为作家提供了探索,创建,协作和自动格式化故事,将思想转变为剧本的工具和自由,舞台剧,新媒体等等。

Final Draft 12 Mac版 优秀的剧本创作软件
所属分类:大小100M-500M  办公软件 适配:macOS 10.14或更高 大小:117.73MB | 语言:英文 | 授权:破解 最后更新:2024年05月09日
Final Draft 12 Mac破解版下载免费尽在知您网Final Draft 12 Mac破解版下载免费尽在知您网Final Draft 12 Mac破解版下载免费尽在知您网Final Draft 12 Mac破解版下载免费尽在知您网Final Draft 12 Mac破解版下载免费尽在知您网Final Draft 12 Mac破解版下载免费尽在知您网Final Draft 12 Mac破解版下载免费尽在知您网Final Draft 12 Mac破解版下载免费尽在知您网Final Draft 12 Mac破解版下载免费尽在知您网Final Draft 12 Mac破解版下载免费尽在知您网Final Draft 12 Mac破解版下载免费尽在知您网


Final Draft 12 mac破解版是知您网搜集到的Mac os系统上一款被称为全球最畅销的优秀剧本创作软件!Final Draft 12破解版为用户提供了强大的文字处理功能,并内置了专业的剧本格式,还拥有超过50种舞台、电影和电视剧本的标准模板,支持连续页码标注,是编剧和创作人员不可错过的一款剧本编辑工具

Final Draft 12 Mac软件下载功能介绍

知您网软件带来的Final Draft是世界上最畅销的剧本编辑文本处理工具。有了Final Draft 12破解版,你就可以把全部的精力和创造力用在剧本创作上了,而不必理会版面等编辑问题。知您网分享的Final Draft破解版包含了专门针对于剧本方面的强大的文字处理功能。这样一来,你就不需要再多花时间学习剧本的格式应该是什么规则,也不必担心剧本过于凌乱导致他人无法看明白了;Final Draft 12 for Mac破解软件的价值就是自动为你转换格式成为世界通用的模式和标准。

Final Draft 12 Mac软件下载功能特色


  • 场景视图 - 使用简单的拖放界面概述您的脚本并重新排列场景。
  • 导航器——查看、排序和过滤场景、脚本和角色的重要细节。
  • 索引卡 - 轻松勾勒您的故事并一次一个场景重组您的脚本。
  • ScriptNotes – 制作不会影响脚本分页的通用或特定元素的颜色编码注释。
  • 模板 - 超过 100 种经典和当前的电视节目、剧本、舞台剧和图画小说模板可供选择,您可以自定义自己的模板。
  • 分页 - Final Draft 12 Mac破解软件将您的脚本完美地分页,以符合 OSX、PC 或 iPad 通用的行业标准。
  • 打印和 pdf 选项中的水印 - 您可以将带水印的脚本打印到任何具有标准化纸张尺寸的打印机,或以完美的脚本格式直接保存到 PDF。
  • 面板系统 - 将您的屏幕一分为二,这样您就可以在编写脚本的同时查看场景轮廓。
  • Final Draft Courier Font - 我们创造了理想的剧本字体,在满足行业要求的同时易于阅读。
  • 写作管理 - 检查你写的内容,以帮助你管理你的写作目标。
  • 格式助手 - 完成初稿后,运行格式助手以确保没有格式错误。
  • 视网膜和全屏支持 - 受益于全屏模式下无干扰书写的便利,以及视网膜显示兼容性。
  • Mac OSX 听写支持 - Mac版 的内置 OSX 听写功能可与 Final Draft 12 Mac破解版配合使用,允许免提写作,与您的想法一样快。


  • 标题页 - 在您的脚本中创建并轻松包含专业的标题页。
  • 修订模式 - 随时修改您的脚本。为生产目的保存不同的修订。
  • 页面锁定 - 省略场景,锁定页面和 A 页面,并设置修订颜色。您可以将脚本从概念一直带到最终制作。
  • 用于修订的彩色生产页面 - 彩色边框便于书写,PDF 中的纯色生产页面用于分发。
  • 字符突出显示 - 用于突出显示特定字符的行以进行表格读取或写入以跟踪字符的对话。
  • 可定制的报告 - 最终草案为您提供七种不同的生产报告,包括场景、角色和位置报告。与您的脚本分开打印或通过电子邮件发送报告。



Final Draft 12 Crack is here to bring your ideas to life. Trusted by studios and recommended by prominent filmmakers worldwide, including Guillermo del Toro, David Lynch, Aaron Sorkin, and Sofia Coppola, Final Draft gives writers the tools and freedom to explore, create, collaborate, and automatically format stories, transforming ideas into scripts, stage plays, new media and more.
Screenwriters write. Final Draft formats. Featuring over 300 screen, stage, graphic novel and podcast templates, Final Draft streamlines your writing and editing process by automatically paginating and formatting scripts to entertainment industry standards, saving you time to focus on what you do best.
Works seamlessly with the Final Draft Mobile app for iPhone and iPad (sold separately).
* Scene View - Outline your script and reorder scenes using a simple drag-and-drop interface.
* Navigator – View, sort and filter the important details of your Scenes, Scriptnotes and Characters.
* Index Cards - Enter plot points, locations, comments, or notes. Color-code and move index cards to easily organize your scenes. Send Index Card content directly to the script.
* ScriptNotes – Make general or element specific color-coded notes that won’t affect your script’s pagination.
* Watermarking in Printing and PDF Options - You can print your watermarked script to any printer with standardized paper size or save directly to PDF in flawless script format.
* Panels System - Split your screen in half so you can view scene outlines while simultaneously writing your script.
* Final Draft Courier Font - We have created the ideal screenwriting font that is easy to read while meeting industry requirements.
* Format Assistant - Be confident your script is professionally formatted before you print or email it.
* Retina and Full Screen Support - Distraction-free writing in full screen mode and retina display compatibility.
* Image Support - Insert images into your script, title page or the Beat Board to help visualize your story.
* Tagging - Track and report on customizable story elements. Breakdown scripts for scheduling and budgeting.
* Night Mode - Quickly shift to a dark screen for easier viewing when writing.
* Multi-Language Support - Write in over 95 different languages.
*Advanced Brainstorming - Our dynamic writing environment lets you visualize characters and scenes like never before. New Flow Lines allow you to connect beats, while the new Outline Elements & Outline Editor tools give you a bird's eye view of your screenplay, and let you send your outline directly to your script for easy access.
*Improved Collaboration - Securely share and work with writing partners nearby or across the globe. Collaborate simultaneously with your writing partners in real-time on both the script AND the Beat Board.
*Focus Mode - Eliminate distractions and get down to business.
*Track Changes - Keep a record of edits to your script then choose whether to accept or reject them.
*PDF Import - Import a PDF and convert it into a fully editable Final Draft file.
* Title Page - Create and easily include a professional Title Page with your script.
* Revision Mode - Revise your script as often as you'd like. Save different revisions for production purposes.
* Page Locking - Omit scenes, lock pages and A-pages, and set revision colors.
* Colored Production Pages for Revisions - Colored border allows for writing ease, with solid color production pages in PDF for distribution.
* Character Highlighting – Easily see characters’ dialogue in color. Great for table reads or tracking a character’s dialogue throughout your script.
* Customizable Reporting - Final Draft offers seven different reports for production including Scene, Character, and Location reports.
Version 12.0.9:
• Minor bug fixes.

Final Draft 12 Mac软件下载历史版本

版本 下载 备用 密码
12.0.9 Build 110 立即下载 其它下载地址 ssay
12.0.8 Build 106 立即下载 其它下载地址 ssay
12.0.7 Build 101 立即下载 其它下载地址 ssay
12.0.4 Build 76.2 立即下载 其它下载地址 ssay
文件下载 芯片:✅ 支持Intel/M1/M2 适配:macOS 10.14或更高 大小:117.73MB | 语言:英文 | 授权:破解 兼容:✅ Big Sur/Monterey/Ventura运行
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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: