Iris Mac版 简单好用的录屏软件 v1.7.3 破解版

摘 要

Iris for Mac版是一款专业屏幕录制工具,支持高质量的视频录制,包括全屏、窗口或自定义区域录制等多种模式。它还提供了基本的视频编辑功能和丰富的输出格式选项,让用户能够轻松创建并分享专业的屏幕录制内容。

Iris Mac版 简单好用的录屏软件
所属分类:小于50M  图像捕捉 适配:macOS 14.4或更高 大小:19.31MB | 语言:英文 | 授权:破解 最后更新:2024年08月11日
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Iris mac破解版下载是由知您网精心挑选的一款适用于Mac OS系统的专业级屏幕录制软件,旨在为用户提供高品质的录制体验。无论是制作教程视频、录制网络会议,还是捕捉游戏画面,Iris都能轻松胜任,满足用户多样化的录制需求。
Iris Mac软件功能介绍
Iris Mac破解版以其出色的屏幕色温调节功能和高性能的屏幕录制功能,为用户提供了一个全方位的屏幕护眼与录制解决方案。无论是希望改善视力健康的用户还是需要高质量屏幕录制的专业人士,都可以从Iris Mac版中获益。
无论您是教育工作者、商务人士还是游戏爱好者,Iris Mac软件下载都能成为您得力的助手。现在就来zhiniw.com了解更多关于Iris Mac的信息,开启您的专业录制之旅吧!
Iris Mac软件功能特色
• 全屏录制:捕捉整个屏幕的内容,非常适合制作全面的教程视频或展示软件操作。
• 窗口录制:仅录制指定窗口的内容,适合需要重点展示某个应用程序的操作场景。
• 自定义区域录制:用户可根据需要选择屏幕的任意部分进行录制,灵活性极高。
• 支持高清和 4K 录制,确保视频清晰细腻。
• 录制时帧率稳定,保证视频流畅不卡顿。
• 支持同时录制系统音频和麦克风声音,实现音画同步的录制效果。
• 内置基本的剪辑工具,用户可在录制后对视频进行简单的剪切、拼接等操作。
• 支持添加字幕、标注和特效,提升视频的表现力和专业性。
• 支持多种视频格式输出,如 MP4、MOV、AVI 等,方便用户在不同平台和设备上播放和分享。
• 提供预设导出选项,帮助用户优化视频文件的大小和质量。
• 利用板载 GPU 加速,提升录制性能,减少系统资源占用。
• 支持同时录制来自摄像头和最多两个麦克风的内容,为视频添加更多元素。
• 色彩匹配功能 确保视频在不同设备上观看时色彩准确。
• 提供实时预览功能,方便用户随时查看录制效果。
Iris Mac软件使用体验
Iris Mac破解版下载采用简洁明了的界面设计,使用户能够轻松上手。无论是初学者还是专业用户,都能快速掌握软件的使用方法。


Iris Mac Crack is a professional-grade screen recording software for Mac OS, designed to deliver high-quality recordings. Whether you need to create tutorial videos, record web conferences, or capture gaming sessions, Iris Mac is the perfect tool for all your recording needs.
Iris Mac Software Features
Iris Mac offers a comprehensive set of features tailored to meet the diverse requirements of users:
Multiple Recording Modes:
• Full Screen Recording: Capture the entire screen for comprehensive tutorials and software demonstrations.
• Window Recording: Focus on a specific application window for detailed presentations.
• Custom Area Recording: Select a specific area of the screen for precise and flexible recordings.
High-Quality Audio and Video:
• HD and 4K Recording: Enjoy crisp and clear video quality.
• Stable Frame Rate: Ensure smooth playback without lag or stutter.
• Dual Audio Recording: Simultaneously record system audio and microphone input for synchronized sound.
Video Editing Tools:
• Basic Editing: Trim, cut, and merge clips within the software.
• Enhancements: Add captions, annotations, and special effects to enhance your videos.
Flexible Output Formats:
• Multiple Formats: Export videos in popular formats like MP4, MOV, and AVI.
• Optimized Export: Adjust file size and quality settings for different platforms.
Advanced Features:
• GPU Acceleration: Utilize hardware acceleration for smoother performance and less resource usage.
• Multi-Source Recording: Record from a webcam and up to two microphones simultaneously.
• Color Matching: Ensure accurate color representation across devices.
• Real-Time Preview: Monitor your recordings in real-time for instant feedback.
Why Choose Iris Mac?
• User-Friendly Interface: Iris Mac features an intuitive design that makes it easy for beginners and professionals alike to get started.
• Reliable Performance: Experience stable and seamless recordings with minimal latency or dropped frames.
Get Iris Mac at
Visit to learn more about Iris Mac and download the official version of the software. Start your professional recording journey today!
Version 1.7.3:
• No longer warns users about mismatched sample rates for audio inputs. Mismatched sample rates are once again ok.
• Added an option to mix and audio input's Left and Right channels together. This is useful when recording a stereo interface with a single microphone.
• Added comprehensive permission settings in Recording Settings.

文件下载 芯片:✅ 支持Intel/M1/M2/M3 适配:macOS 14.4或更高 大小:19.31MB | 语言:英文 | 授权:破解 兼容:✅ Sonoma/Sequoia运行
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