Marvelous Designer 11 Mac版 3D服装设计软件 v6.1.547.37121 破解版

摘 要

Marvelous Designer 11 Mac破解版是一款先进的3D服装设计软件,专为时尚、动画及游戏行业设计者打造,提供基于物理的布料模拟系统,无需额外CAD应用即可实现精准服装建模。其特色功能包括实时显示修改效果、虚拟复制织物质感、与主流3D软件的兼容性,以及高效建模与动画缓存技术。用户能利用丰富的素材库和人体模型,进行参数化建模,享受新增的布料处理功能,如折叠、剪裁和缝合,极大提升设计效率与作品质量。

Marvelous Designer 11 Mac版 3D服装设计软件
所属分类:平面设计  大小1G-3G 适配:macOS 10.13或更高 大小:1.48GB | 语言:多国语言[中文] | 授权:破解 最后更新:2024年07月20日
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Marvelous Designer 11 Mac破解版下载是知您网(为您精心挑选的Mac OS系统上的高级三维服装设计软件。这款易于上手的工具能助您迅速构建高质量的3D服装模型,真实模拟布料动态。不论是专业的时装设计师、动漫艺术家还是游戏开发人员,都能在这里找到满足创意需求的完美解决方案。
Marvelous Designer 11 Mac破解版:引领时尚界的革新设计
Marvelous Designer以其革命性的基于物理的模拟引擎,成为3D设计师和时装设计师的理想之选。无需依赖其他CAD应用,您就能独立完成精确的服装设计。软件支持折线、自由曲线及接缝处理,任何改动都将即刻反映于3D模型之上,实现所见即所得的设计体验。
借助我们先进的设计软件,Marvelous Designer使您能够打造精致的3D虚拟服装。利用提高品质与效率的工具,让您的创意项目得以实现。无论是简约的T恤还是繁复的褶皱礼服和硬朗的工作服,Marvelous Designer都能逼真还原纽扣、褶皱和装饰品的纹理与物理属性,赋予作品生命。
Marvelous Designer与主流3D软件无缝对接,让衣物编辑变得即时简单。只需几步操作,即可将设计贴合至高精度3D人体模型,为您的创作增添无限可能。
Marvelous Designer的创新图案设计方法已被EA、Konami等全球顶级游戏工作室采用。此外,在Weta Digital等特效工作室的参与下,《霍比特人》和《雪宝历险记》等经典动画电影也展现了其卓越的视觉效果。
Marvelous Designer 11 Mac破解版:全方位服装设计利器
Marvelous Designer 11 Mac版 赋予您无限创造力,为虚拟角色定制专属衣橱。每件作品均可灵活修改与重复利用,轻松实现混搭,激发无限造型灵感。
告别冗长的服装动画制作。Marvelous Designer的高精度建模缓存技术,捕捉衣物随角色动态变化的真实形态,无论奔跑、跳跃或是旋转,均呈现栩栩如生的效果。
Marvelous Designer 11的仿真引擎,模拟布料自然行为,如褶皱与悬垂,塑造逼真3D服装,为设计注入生命力。
Marvelous Designer 11采用前沿技术,显著提升建模速度与渲染质量,助力快速创作高品质3D服装模型。
Marvelous Designer 11新增布料折叠、剪裁与缝合功能,进一步增强设计效能与作品质量。


Marvelous Designer Crack is one of the best clothing design programs to help 3D designers and fashion designers. Revolutionary physics-based simulation system. Now you can create accurate clothing designs using only Marvelous Designer without the help of other CAD applications. Marvelous Designer supports polylines, free curves, and seams. Any modification changes are immediately displayed on the 3D model of the clothing in real time.
Marvelous Designer lets you create beautiful 3D virtual clothing with our advanced design software. Finally, bring your projects to life with tools that improve quality and save you time. From simple shirts to intricately pleated dresses and rugged uniforms. Marvelous Designer can virtually replicate the textures and physical properties of fabric on buttons, pleats and accessories.
With our universal compatibility with other 3D software and interactive design, you can instantly edit and paste clothes onto 3D molds with high-fidelity modeling.
Marvelous Designer's innovative pattern-based approach has already been adopted by leading game studios such as EA Konami and can be seen on the big screen in animated films including The Hobbit and Olaf's Adventures, produced by Weta Digital
Program features:
Build Your Character's Wardrobe: Marvelous Designer allows you to build a rich wardrobe for your characters, where every item of clothing can be modified and reused. Every shirt or dress you create can now be transformed in an infinite number of ways. You can mix and match costumes and character models.
Easy Start for Beginners: Marvelous Designer 7 technology is based on the art of sewing and pattern work (what a clothing plan does), which is the only way to create realistic clothing. You don't need a fashion design background to create clothes using this program. For beginners, online training materials and a set of intuitive tools are available.
Clear Interface and Tools: Designing virtual clothing is now simple and straightforward with an intuitive user interface and a set of tools such as location points and contacts. Marvelous Designer takes the guesswork out of how clothes should fit in real life. Texture coordinates are packaged with your templates for easy translation and use of the data. Edit textures, fabrics, and your physical properties by pre-configuring a library to accurately simulate your characters without spending countless hours of work time.

Share data with other 3D programs: With modeling and animation, Marvelous Designer can easily import and export data between different software, including Maya, 3DS Max, Softimage, Modo and ZBrush. This program is used by major game studios such as EA and Ubisoft, as well as animation studios (Weta Digital) and Total Recall (Double Negative).
Fast Modeling for Realistic Animation: Typically, animating character clothing takes a long time. Traditional modeling and sculpting methods require many hours of work for every wrinkle, curve and fold, and do not guarantee convincing results. Marvelous Designer's high-poly modeling cache animator functionality allows you to capture the realistic movement of clothing as it is draped on moving characters, whether they are running, jumping, or spinning in the air.
Templates for virtual 3D clothing: The technologies used in Marvelous Designer 7 allow you not only to create beautiful graphics, but also to collect data about your clothing, which will be reused in templates and updated time after time. The advanced template design allows you to easily create and edit rectangular, round or any other polygon shapes. In addition, the program provides intuitive interfaces such as moving a point or segment parallel or perpendicular, moving a point or segment through an input value, or dividing a segment proportionally.
Segments and free motion sewing: The program has a simple and smart sewing tool in its arsenal, with which you can accurately determine the direction and range of sewing and edit these data at any time. Interestingly, such features are not always supported in other CAD software. A simple and intelligent sewing tool makes life easier for users. You can easily create and edit seam lines with greater freedom in sewing directions and ranges. Previously, precision sewing was extremely difficult to model in other CAD software due to limitations in its narrow directions and range.

文件下载 芯片:✅ 支持Intel/M1/M2/M3 适配:macOS 10.13或更高 大小:1.48GB | 语言:多国语言[中文] | 授权:破解 兼容:✅ Big Sur/Monterey/Ventura/Sonoma/Sequoia运行
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