Network Speed Monitor Mac版 菜单栏网速实时监测工具 v2.4.1

摘 要

Network Speed Monitor是一款Mac平台的网速监测工具,可以在菜单栏显示你目前的网络速度,包括下载和上传数据,我们还能自定义数据的刷新频率。

Network Speed Monitor Mac版 菜单栏网速实时监测工具 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v2.4.1</span>
所属分类:其它工具 平台:Mac Os | 系统:OS X 10.7及以上 大小:5.92MB | 语言:英文 | 授权:破解 最后更新:2019年01月16日


Network Speed Monitor破解版是知您网搜集到的mac os系统上一款帮助用户监测自己流量的Mac软件,Network Speed Monitor for mac能够在菜单栏中实时显示网络的上传和下载速度,它会集成在你的Mac系统桌面任务栏中,实时显示网络的上传和下载速度。
Network Speed Monitor for Mac功能介绍
Network Speed Monitor(网速监测精灵)是一款轻量级的网络流量监控工具,它会集成在你的Mac系统桌面任务栏中,实时显示网络的上传和下载速度,作为一款工具条软件他足够小巧有效节省工具栏空间,并且他很直观在你使用Mac的过程中随时可以监测到网速情况对于一些希望了解自己网速的人很有用。网速监测精灵支持Mac 10.6及以上的系统,并支持32位与64位系统。
Network Speed Monitor for Mac功能特色
添加一个菜单选项以在mbit / s,kbit / s和auto之间进行选择。


Network Speed Monitor is a simple and easy-to-use application to display your current network speed in status bar, including the downloading and uploading data.
When your computer connects to the network, you can see your current network speed with Network Speed Monitor.
Network Speed Monitor is a handy application for you to monitor and record your income and outcome data and keep you alert about whatever is running in your computer.
Main features:
01. Put the status item in the leftmost place on the menu bar so that other status items will not fluctuate.
02. Automatically show the speed between Mbps and Kbps.
03. Click and choose to change the refresh interval from 1 second to 10 seconds.
04. Opt to switch from Bits per second to Bytes per second.
05. Check your real network speed to know whether it reaches to the speed which the network operators promise.
06. Know whether there are some hidden applications are running to slow down your network than normal.
07. Keep a track of your internet bandwidth usage so that you will know whether your internet stream go beyond the limit.
08. Instead of having the up and downlink speeds side by side, you can select to put them one on top of the other.
09. Instead of just one color, you can have the download as green and upload red.
10. Add an up arrow and down arrow next to the numbers so you know which one is upstream and which downstream. You need select the menu item “show the up and down arrow” first.
11. Add a menu option to choose between mbit/s, kbit/s and auto.

Version 2.4.1:

  • try to fix stuck on 10.14


Network Speed Monitor Mac版 菜单栏网速实时监测工具 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v2.4.1</span>的预览图Network Speed Monitor Mac版 菜单栏网速实时监测工具 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v2.4.1</span>的预览图Network Speed Monitor Mac版 菜单栏网速实时监测工具 <span style='color:#ff0000;'>v2.4.1</span>的预览图


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