News Tower Mac破解游戏 角色扮演 v0.18.126.r 英文直装版

摘 要

News Tower Mac版带你走进1930年代纽约新闻界,扮演媒体出版商,招募记者,寻找轰动新闻,打造新闻帝国,应对行业挑战,成为纽约最具影响力的出版商。

News Tower Mac破解游戏 角色扮演
所属分类:大小500M-1G  角色扮演 适配:macOS 10.15或更高 大小:666.53MB | 语言:英文 | 授权:破解 最后更新:2024年10月23日
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News Tower mac破解版下载是知您网搜集到的Mac os系统上一款角色扮演游戏。在游戏中,您将穿越时空,回到1930年代的纽约市,亲身体验那个时代的风云变幻,并扮演一位决定新闻走向的媒体巨头。
News Tower带您走进1930年代的美国,禁酒令、大萧条、猫咪走失……这些历史事件都将成为您新闻报道的素材。作为一位媒体出版商,您需要派遣记者前往世界各地,寻找轰动一时的新闻故事,以满足读者的兴趣和编辑需求。时间就是金钱,您的决策将直接影响新闻的价值和影响力。
在News Tower中,您需要经营自己的新闻报纸公司,从招募编辑团队到管理各种设施,从印刷机到厕所,每一步都需要您的精心规划。您需要确保员工权益得到保障,及时赶上周日的印刷交期,并不断优化新闻大楼,提高工作效率。同时,您还需要招募并管理不同职业的员工,包括记者、摄像师、勤杂工等,共同打造您的新闻帝国。
在News Tower中,您需要平衡读者兴趣和真相之间的关系。是选择发布博人眼球的流言蜚语,还是坚持寻找真相并风雨无阻地报道?您的选择将决定新闻的方向和影响力。同时,您还需要警惕黑手党、市长等势力对新闻自由的威胁,坚守自己的原则和立场。
News Tower为您提供了从电报站到排版机器、摄像绘图等全方位的新闻发行流水线管理。您需要招募正确的雇员,规划工作场所,实现效率最优化。同时,您还需要持续不断搜寻素材与爆料,确保生产线能够跟上新闻报道的步伐。
在《News Tower》中,你将重温20世纪30年代的重大事件,决定是否报道或影响其结果。访问知您网(,轻松下载News Tower for Mac破解游戏,体验这段充满挑战和机遇的报业历史。


News Tower Mac Cracked Version Download is brought to you by Zhiniw for Mac OS users. This role-playing game transports you back to 1930s New York City, where you will experience the dynamic changes of the era and play the role of a media mogul who shapes the news landscape.
Relive History, Witness Glory
News Tower takes you into 1930s America, an era marked by Prohibition, the Great Depression, and even lost cats. These historical events will serve as the backdrop for your news stories. As a media publisher, you must dispatch journalists around the world to uncover breaking news stories that capture the interest of readers and meet editorial standards. Time is money, and your decisions will directly impact the value and influence of the news.
Run Your Company, Build a News Empire
In News Tower, you are tasked with running your own newspaper company. From recruiting an editorial team to managing various facilities, including printing presses and restrooms, every step requires careful planning. Ensure that employee rights are protected, meet the Sunday print deadline, and continuously optimize the news building to improve efficiency. Additionally, you will need to hire and manage employees from different professions, such as journalists, photographers, and janitors, to build your news empire.
Balance Interest and Truth
In News Tower, you must strike a balance between reader interest and the truth. Will you choose to publish sensational rumors or commit to uncovering the facts and reporting them faithfully? Your choices will determine the direction and impact of the news. At the same time, be wary of threats to press freedom from the mafia, the mayor, and other powerful forces, and stand firm in your principles and stance.
Manage the Production Line, Improve Efficiency
News Tower provides comprehensive management of the news production line, from telegraph stations to typesetting machines and photography departments. You need to hire the right employees, plan workspaces, and optimize processes for maximum efficiency. Additionally, you must continuously search for material and tips to ensure that the production line keeps up with the pace of news reporting.
Start Small, Become the Most Influential Publisher in New York
Begin with a small local paper in Brooklyn and gradually build a city-wide news network. Iconic locations such as Wall Street, Yankee Stadium, and the Port of New York will be your targets for expansion. As you grow, unlock unique upgrades and attract readers with diverse interests. Ultimately, you will become the most influential publisher in New York, setting trends in the journalism industry.
Experience the Challenging and Rewarding History of Journalism
In News Tower, you will relive major events of the 1930s and decide whether to report on or influence their outcomes. Visit to easily download the cracked version of News Tower for Mac and immerse yourself in this era of journalism filled with challenges and opportunities.

文件下载 芯片:✅ 支持Intel/M1/M2/M3 适配:macOS 10.15或更高 大小:666.53MB | 语言:英文 | 授权:破解 兼容:✅ Big Sur/Monterey/Ventura/Sonoma/Sequoia运行
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