RubyMine破解版是知您网搜集到的mac os系统上一款非常不错的Mac开发软件,RubyMine Mac版 提供了一个综合的Ruby编码编辑器,RubyMine可识别动态语言特征,可提供便捷的编码协助,智能代码重构,代码分析功能。
测试的价值永远不能被低估。编写代码后,用该软件对之进行单元测试的过程是机器可靠的,因为RubyMine的RSpec、Cucumber、Shoulda 和Test::Unit都极具灵活性且非常周密,此外,其编辑,运行和导航测试的UI都非常智能。
对于每一软件项目来说,对程序的代码进行微调都是必不可缺的一步。该Ruby调试器从IntelliJ IDEA Java/JSP调试器那继承了其所有优点,且充分考虑到了Ruby和Rails开发者们的实际需求,允许其再Ruby甚至RHTML代码中进行中断,其还提供了高度有益的控制台,变量,框架以及窗口视图。
Rubymine了解所有的现代VCS和SCM(Git, Subversion, Mercurial, Perforce 和CVS),并为之提供了统一的UI。用户可即使按顺序看到其代码的更改。文件和工程的切入和切出都非常简便。其为所有的版本控制系统集成了切割和合并工具。在IDE内部可对更改列表进行管理。能记忆经常进行签入。
RubyMine is a full-fledged Ruby on Rails IDE that brings the whole range of essential developers tools for productive Ruby development and Web development with Ruby on Rails. Key features include:
- Intelligent Editor: code completion, code snippets and automatic refactorings
- Project Navigation: wide range of views and one-click jumping between components
- Error-Free Coding: on-the-fly code analysis and type inference
- Web Development with Ruby on Rails (including best-of-breed HTML, CSS and JavaScript editing support)
- RSpec, Cucumber and Test::Unit support, with GUI-based test runner
- Ruby Debugger: full support for Rails applications debugging and easy-to-use interface
- VCS Integrations: Git, Perforce, Subversion and CVS with changelists and merge
Version 2017.3:
- IDE: improved performance, support for apps with nested projects, and better code resolution and code insight. More
- Linux subsystem for Windows (WSL) support. More
- Refactoring: Extract methods directly to private and protected sections. More
- RuboCop: autocorrect by offense class or cop department. More
- Code style: the ability to indent private and protected methods, and choose which operators should be wrapped with space. More
- Puppet: Embedded Puppet (EPP) templates support. More
- Debugger: the new Trace to_s evaluation option detects costly operations and throws a timeout message. More
- JavaScript: better code completion, documentation, CSS, and Vue.js. More
- VCS: the Interactively Rebase from Here action, workspaces for branches. More
- Database tools: managing schema, SQL generator, grouping data sources. More
- Other improvements include support for Ruby 2.5, Gems.rb, Docker Compose v3, Cucumber Expressions, and more.
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