Scapple mac破解版是知您网搜集到的Mac os系统上一款头脑风暴思维绘制工具,当我们在开始任何项目的早期阶段,我们会用到头脑风暴法进行思维,考虑一下相关的元素、各个元素之间的联系,并且将这些绘制出来,并试图尝试解决如何将这些元素配合得更好,这款头脑风暴思维绘制工具就能很好地帮助我们实现这一过程。
Scapple for Mac软件下载功能介绍
Scapple for Mac软件下载功能特色
Scapple is the software equivalent of how I work out my rough ideas on paper. (If I didn’t hate the word “brainstorming” so much, I’d probably call it brainstorming software.) When I’m in the early stages of any project, whether that’s a writing project or a software project, I tend to throw a bunch of ideas down on a big piece of paper, spacing out as-yet unrelated ideas, clustering related notes, and drawing connections between them, trying to work out how everything fits together.
In short, then, Scapple is a tool for getting early ideas down as quickly as possible and making connections between them. The main advantage of doing this in Scapple instead of on paper is that you don’t run out of paper (the Scapple canvas expands to fit as many notes as you want to create), you can move notes around to make room for new ideas and connections, it’s easy to delete and edit notes, and it’s easy to export your notes into other applications when you know what you want to do with them.
I’m well aware that there’s already a plethora of mind-mapping software out there. Where Scapple is slightly different from most is that it doesn’t force you to make any connections, and it doesn’t expect you to start out with one central idea and branch everything else off that. Instead, you are free to write anywhere on the virtual paper and individual notes can be a short or as long as you like. Creating and removing connections is as easy as dragging one note onto another. Most importantly, because its purpose is to allow you to get ideas down and make connections between them quickly, Scapple is dead simple to use. Although I’m currently writing a full manual for it, the QuickStart Guide a little further down should contain everything you need to dig in and get using Scapple.
Version 1.4.1:
Scapple 1.4.1 modernises and extends the app’s internals by moving a large part of the codebase to Swift (Apple’s modern programming language), paving the way for future development.
• Various user interface enhancements.
• Support for middle-mouse-button drag.
• The keyboard shortcut Opt-Cmd-G can now be used to create new background shapes.
• Numerous other refinements and bug fixes.
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