星术士Starmancer Mac破解游戏 沙盒星际拓殖策略 v0.3.1-240624 英文直装版

摘 要

Starmancer for Mac版是一款沙盒策略游戏,背景设定在人类星际拓殖的宇宙中。玩家需建造空间站,管理拓殖人员,探索星系并应对各种挑战。深度沙盒体验和策略元素带来无尽乐趣。

星术士Starmancer Mac破解游戏 沙盒星际拓殖策略
所属分类:大小100M-500M  策略游戏 适配:macOS 10.13或更高 大小:202.13MB | 语言:英文 | 授权:破解 最后更新:2024年10月20日
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注意:根据获取到的信息,该游戏支持的macOS版本 macOS 10.13 and later:
然后已知Bigsur(Intel芯片),可以正常打开游戏,但是进入游戏却没有游戏进入的菜单,不知道是不支持 Intel芯片 的缘故,还是其它原因,所以请 Intel芯片 和 Bigsur及以下系统的Mac用户,自行斟酌下载!抱歉啊!大家,实在是小编分期购的Mac电脑有限,无法一一测试兼容性。



Starmancer Mac破解版下载是知您网搜集到的Mac os系统上一款沙盒游戏,这款游戏不仅融合了丰富的策略与经营元素,更让您在星际拓殖的冒险中体验每一个决策带来的深远影响。
Starmancer for Mac破解游戏背景
Starmancer for Mac破解游戏玩法
• 维持生命 - 拓殖人员会有果腹和解渴的需求。建造农场,种植作物,生产食物。设置供暖设施,防止人员体温过低。建造医疗舱站,分派医生疗伤治病、截肢和安装义肢。
• 表现自我 - 为你的空间站随意选择特别的墙面、地板、设施以及海量古怪而又有趣的陈设和物件。改变物件的颜色,实现你梦寐以求的空间站内装!挂设活泼积极的画作,向拓殖人员展现你的友好与体贴,张贴鼓舞人心的海报,让他们知道你多么重视他们的工作效率。规划设计漂亮的厨房、豪华的卧室、赌场和工业装卸货舱站。
• 供能、供水和大气 - 铺设能源线路,将设备与设备相连,以此保障供能。为生命维持设施设计另外的供能系统或冗余供能系统。铺设下水管道和水循环装置,将农业污水变成洁净的饮用水。布设通风管道,建立单独的大气系统。
• 培育拓殖人员 - 拓殖人员需要通过孵化设施培育,他们的人格选自空间站记忆库储存的地球平民心智精神。借助克隆人类之手管理空间站,即便发生了悲剧,也不用担心,随时都可以再次培育你喜欢的拓殖人员!
• 岗位职责 - 农民、医生、矿工和安保人员,这些岗位都需要由你分配。目睹你的烹饪新人逐渐积累经验,成为厨艺精湛的大师,不断解锁更加美味、更具异域风情的菜品。
• 拓殖人员独一无二 - 拓殖人员的发色、发型、瞳色和肤色多种多样,高度随机,视觉变化超过8000种。拓殖人员不仅形象存在差异,行为习惯也各不相同——有人喜欢坐马桶上吃营养棒,有人喜欢泡吧喝酒、与人社交。每一局的空间站和拓殖人员都会有所不同。
• 人有记忆 - 拓殖人员遭遇一件事情之后,无论事情好坏,都会记在心里,除非他们遭遇事故,必须重新生长发育……拓殖人员如果看到了尸体,或者遇到了类似的事情, 会产生心理阴影,在心中铭记很久。如果不加管控,这种记忆会以流言的形式,越传越广,最终所有人都会知道你的生命维持系统出现了故障……不要放过任何目击证人。
• 人际关系 - 朋友遭遇不幸之后,拓殖人员的心情会格外不好,而冤家倒霉的时候,他们又会十分开心。如果备受众人喜爱的拓殖人员被你赶出空间站,站内就有可能发生兵变。
• 空间行动 - 派出最勇敢的拓殖人员,开展危险的空间行动,探遍整个星系,采集资源,发现珍贵的物品!
• 太空生物入侵 - 你的拓殖区会受到外太空生物的入侵。布设陷阱,武装你的拓殖人员,不惜一切代价,保护你的空间站。
• 人员神志失常 - 拓殖人员目睹太多朋友意外飞出空间站之后,精神就会崩溃。谁也无法了解精神失常的拓殖人员,他们有可能促成最伟大的技术革新,同时也有可能造成最为惨烈的杀人事件。正是因为如此,房门需要上锁。也正是因为如此,你能够调节单个房间的气压——这个办法可以让拓殖人员乖乖睡觉。
• 空间站兵变 - 拓殖人员不开心了就会罢工,鼓舞人心的海报、美味佳肴和舒适的房间都能振奋他们的心情。不过,千万小心,拓殖人员士气太低的话,就会造反,就会想方设法摧毁你的核心。一旦出现这种苗头,务必揪出典型,以儆效尤,掐灭反抗的所有火苗。
Starmancer for Mac破解游戏特色
• 建设欣欣向荣的空间站:自由选择墙面、地板、设施和装饰物,打造独特的空间站内部。
• 管理拓殖人员的日常生活:确保拓殖人员的食物、水和医疗需求,分配不同的工作岗位,观察他们的成长和变化。
• 动态生成的类太阳系:每个游戏世界都是随机生成的,包含不同的星球和物种,提供无限的探索乐趣。
• 开展空间行动:派遣拓殖人员进行危险的任务,收集资源和珍贵物品。
• 应对行动后果:处理太空生物入侵、人员神志失常和空间站兵变等突发事件。
• 支持模组:游戏社区提供的模组可以进一步扩展游戏内容和玩法。
在zhiniw.com下载,体验融合了策略、经营与冒险元素的Starmancer for Mac破解游戏,开启您的星际之旅!


Starmancer Mac Cracked Version Download is brought to you by Zhiniw for Mac OS users. This sandbox game not only integrates rich strategy and management elements but also immerses you in the profound impact of every decision you make during your interstellar colonization adventure.
Game Background of Starmancer for Mac
After a catastrophic event on Earth, humanity launched the "Interstellar Colonization Program" to find a new home among the stars. Billions of Earth civilians uploaded their consciousness into your memory banks, entrusting their minds, spirits, and the future of the human race to an AI colonization system—YOU.
Situated in an unusual star system, you must fulfill the duties of the colonization system by building and managing a space station. Your memory bank is damaged, but you must maintain the lives of countless minds and spirits within it while striving to return to the fleet at any cost.
Your decisions will have consequences in this dynamic sandbox environment. You can manufacture and manage the daily lives of colonists, creating a utopian society where everyone is well-fed, safe, and happy, or experiment wildly to see how many times colonists can ingest wheat before they go insane. Manage as you see fit!
Gameplay of Starmancer for Mac
Build Freely, Customize as You Wish
• Sustain Life: Colonists need food and water. Construct farms, grow crops, and produce food. Set up heating systems to prevent hypothermia. Build medical bays and assign doctors to treat injuries, perform surgeries, and install prosthetics.
• Express Yourself: Customize your space station with unique walls, floors, facilities, and a vast array of quirky and interesting decorations. Change the color of objects to achieve your dream interior! Hang motivational posters to boost morale and design beautiful kitchens, luxurious bedrooms, casinos, and industrial loading docks.
• Power, Water, and Atmosphere: Lay down power lines to connect devices and ensure energy supply. Design separate power systems or redundant systems for life support. Install plumbing and water recycling systems to convert agricultural wastewater into clean drinking water. Set up ventilation ducts to manage separate atmospheric systems.
• Cultivate Colonists: Colonists are grown in incubators with personalities selected from the Earth civilians' minds stored in your memory bank. Manage your space station with these cloned humans; if tragedy strikes, you can always regrow your favorite colonists!
• Assign Roles: Farmers, doctors, miners, and security personnel—all roles are assigned by you. Watch as your novice cooks gain experience and unlock more delicious and exotic dishes.
• Unique Colonists: Colonists have a wide variety of hair colors, hairstyles, eye colors, and skin tones, with over 8,000 possible visual variations. Each colonist has unique behaviors—some prefer eating protein bars on the toilet, while others enjoy socializing at the bar. Every game session brings a new space station and set of colonists.
• Memories Matter: Colonists remember events, whether good or bad, unless they suffer accidents and must be regrown. Seeing corpses or similar incidents can traumatize them, leaving lasting impressions. If left unchecked, these memories can spread as rumors, eventually revealing issues with your life support systems.
• Social Relationships: Colonists will feel especially down if their friends face misfortune, and they might be gleeful when their rivals do. Expelling a beloved colonist could lead to mutinies.
• Space Missions: Send your bravest colonists on dangerous missions to explore the star system, gather resources, and discover precious items.
Prepare to face the consequences if you fail to fulfill your duties as the colonization system.
• Alien Invasions: Your colony may be invaded by extraterrestrial creatures. Set traps and arm your colonists to defend your space station.
• Colonist Insanity: After witnessing too many friends accidentally drifting into space, colonists may lose their minds. They could either spur groundbreaking innovations or commit heinous acts. Lock doors and regulate room air pressure to keep them in line.
• Station Mutinies: Unhappy colonists may strike, and motivational posters, gourmet meals, and comfortable living spaces can lift their spirits. Be cautious, as low morale can lead to rebellion and attempts to destroy your core. Address grievances promptly to quell unrest.
Features of Starmancer for Mac
• Build a Thriving Space Station: Choose from a variety of walls, floors, facilities, and decorations to create a unique interior.
• Manage Daily Life: Ensure colonists' food, water, and medical needs, assign different jobs, and observe their growth and changes.
• Dynamic Star Systems: Each game world is randomly generated, offering different planets and species for endless exploration.
• Undertake Space Missions: Send colonists on hazardous tasks to gather resources and valuable items.
• Handle Consequences: Manage alien invasions, colonist insanity, and station mutinies.
• Mod Support: Expand game content and gameplay with mods provided by the community.
Download Starmancer for Mac at zhiniw.com
Experience the blend of strategy, management, and adventure in Starmancer for Mac Cracked Version. Download it from zhiniw.com and embark on your interstellar journey!

文件下载 芯片:✅ 支持Intel/M1/M2/M3 适配:macOS 10.13或更高 大小:202.13MB | 语言:英文 | 授权:破解 兼容:✅ Big Sur/Monterey/Ventura/Sonoma/Sequoia运行
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