Trimma Mac版 视频剪辑软件 v1.9.1172 破解版下载

摘 要

Trimma Mac版是一款高效易用的视频剪辑软件,支持多种格式,提供丰富剪辑工具和特效。无论是专业编辑还是新手,都能轻松创作高质量视频作品,同时支持视频转换、压缩及批量处理,提升工作效率。

Trimma Mac版 视频剪辑软件
所属分类:小于50M  视频编辑 适配:macOS 10.14.6或更高 大小:8.57MB | 语言:英文 | 授权:破解 最后更新:2024年10月18日
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Trimma mac破解版下载是知您网搜集到的Mac os系统上一款功能强大、操作简单的视频剪辑软件。这款软件以其强大的功能和简洁的操作界面,成为了众多Mac用户视频编辑的理想选择。无论是专业的视频编辑者还是视频爱好者,Trimma for Mac都能为您提供流畅高效的视频编辑体验。
Trimma for Mac软件使用教程

• 插入剪切点,迅速移除多余片段。
• 使用快速滚动条或光标键进行精准定位。
• 利用工具栏按钮或快捷键A/S快速添加/删除剪切。
• 在红色标记区域插入剪切点,自动结束当前编辑区域。

• 直通:保持原始编码,文件小巧,导出迅速。
• HEVC:采用h265高效编码,视频文件小,适合Mac/iOS用户分享。
• AVC:使用h264编码,兼容性好,同样可创建小视频文件。
• 缩略图:免费预设,生成低质量预览视频,快速预览导出效果。

Trimma for Mac软件功能特色
• 直观易用的界面:注重用户体验,界面简洁明了,功能易于上手,适合初学者和专业用户。
• 支持多种视频格式:导入导出MP4、MOV、AVI等多种常见视频格式,满足您的不同需求。
• 丰富的剪辑工具和特效:提供剪切、裁剪、拆分、合并等多种剪辑工具,以及文字标题、滤镜、音乐等特效,让您的视频更加个性化。
• 高质量视频输出:支持调整视频分辨率和质量,确保输出高质量的视频作品。
• 高级编辑功能:包括调整亮度、对比度、饱和度等,以及添加字幕和水印等,满足您的专业需求。
• 视频转换和压缩:将视频转换为其他格式,并调整分辨率和质量,以适应不同场景。
• 批量处理和快速导入导出:支持批量处理多个视频文件,提高工作效率。同时,快速导入导出功能,方便您进行视频编辑和分享。
• 详细的帮助文档和教程:提供全面的帮助文档和教程,让您快速掌握软件使用技巧,制作出高质量的视频作品。
在,下载最新版的Trimma Mac版视频剪辑软件,开启您的视频创作之旅!知您网分享的Mac软件都会测试,待运行正常才分享,让您放心使用!


Trimma Crack, collected by Zhiniw for Mac OS users, is a powerful yet simple video editing software that has become a preferred choice for many Mac users. Whether you are a professional video editor or a video enthusiast, Trimma for Mac offers a smooth and efficient video editing experience.
How to Use Trimma for Mac
1、Open Video: Easily import the video file you want to edit.

2、Quick Editing:
• Insert Cut Points: Quickly remove unnecessary segments by inserting cut points.
• Precise Positioning: Use the quick scrollbar or cursor keys for precise positioning.
• Add/Delete Cuts: Use toolbar buttons or shortcuts A/S to quickly add or delete cuts.
• Auto-End Editing Area: Insert cut points in the red-marked area to automatically end the current editing section.

3、Choose Export Presets:
• Passthrough: Retain the original encoding for small file sizes and quick exports.
• HEVC: Use h265 efficient encoding for smaller video files, ideal for sharing among Mac/iOS users.
• AVC: Use h264 encoding for good compatibility and the ability to create small video files.
• Thumbnail: Free preset to generate low-quality preview videos for quick export effect checks.

4、Export Video: Simple operations allow you to complete video exports and enjoy a convenient editing experience.
Features of Trimma for Mac
• Intuitive and User-Friendly Interface: Focuses on user experience with a clean and straightforward interface, making it easy to use for beginners and professionals alike.
• Support for Multiple Video Formats: Import and export common video formats such as MP4, MOV, and AVI, catering to various needs.
• Rich Editing Tools and Effects: Provides a variety of editing tools including trimming, cropping, splitting, and merging, as well as text titles, filters, and music effects to personalize your videos.
• High-Quality Video Output: Supports adjusting video resolution and quality to ensure high-quality final outputs.
• Advanced Editing Features: Includes adjustments for brightness, contrast, saturation, and the ability to add subtitles and watermarks, meeting professional requirements.
• Video Conversion and Compression: Convert videos to other formats and adjust resolution and quality to suit different scenarios.
• Batch Processing and Quick Import/Export: Supports batch processing of multiple video files to improve efficiency. Quick import and export functions facilitate video editing and sharing.
• Comprehensive Help Documentation and Tutorials: Provides detailed help documentation and tutorials to help you quickly master the software and create high-quality video content.
Download the Latest Version of Trimma for Mac at
Start your video creation journey with the latest version of Trimma for Mac. At, we share Mac software only after testing to ensure it runs smoothly, giving you peace of mind when using our resources.
Enjoy a seamless and efficient video editing experience with Trimma for Mac. Download it now and bring your video projects to life!

文件下载 芯片:✅ 支持Intel/M1/M2/M3 适配:macOS 10.14.6或更高 大小:8.57MB | 语言:英文 | 授权:破解 兼容:✅ Big Sur/Monterey/Ventura/Sonoma/Sequoia运行
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