uPaste Mac版 桌面剪贴板 – 便签式笔记本 v1.2.33

摘 要

Mac哪款剪切板工具好用呢?知您网给知友们带来了一个超棒的剪切板工具。uPaste for mac中文免费版是一款非常好用的剪切板工具,uPaste智能管理,操作简单可以将记录的剪贴板内容,按照文本,链接,图像,文件等进行自动分类,在你更加便捷的使用黏贴功能,极大的提升了工作效率。

uPaste Mac版 桌面剪贴板 - 便签式笔记本
所属分类:办公软件  大小50M-100M 系统:macOS 10.13或更高版本 大小:50.51MB | 语言:多国语言[中文] 最后更新:2022年05月24日


uPaste(原名:“Oka Paste”) mac版是知您网搜集到的Mac os系统上一款非常好用的剪切板工具,uPaste免费版智能管理,操作简单可以将记录的剪贴板内容,按照文本,链接,图像,文件等进行自动分类,让你更加便捷的使用黏贴功能,极大的提升了您的工作效率
uPaste for Mac版功能介绍
uPaste桌面剪贴板 for Mac是一个非常好用的剪贴板管理工具。它可以将您复制到系统剪贴板中的内容汇总记录,并按类型对内容进行分组,以便于管理和整理。
* 系统剪贴板的容量不再受限制,并且有完整的历史记录,即使重新启动也不会丢失。
* 将记录的剪贴板内容,按照文本,链接,图像,文件等进行自动分类。
* 美观的界面和便捷的快捷键操作
* 支持将内容从uPaste直接拖放到其他应用程序
* 支持快捷粘贴
* 支持将应用添加到过滤列表中以保护个人隐私
uPaste for Mac版功能特色
- 找一找,我守在你“身边”
- 拖一拖,位置随心变
2。按住并拖动 "+" 按钮上下移动可以调整彩条在窗口的位置。
- 点一点,或者用快捷键
- 勾一勾,标记收藏夹
- 试一试,快速自动标记
- 支持应用程序过滤规则
您可以将应用程序设置为黑名单,uPaste桌面剪贴板 不会记录从该应用程序复制的内容,以防止隐私泄露
- 自动保护密码管理类应用程序
- 支持快速搜索
按 Command + J 打开桌面上的快速搜索面板。使用上下方向键快速选择一个目标,然后按Enter键复制它。

Version 1.2.33:

  • 修复一个闪退问题
  • 增加当其他应用进入全屏状态时是否显示边栏的设置项


Please note: From version 1.2.0 the application name has been changed from "Oka Paste" to "uPaste"
uPaste for Mac版 is a very useful clipboard manager. It records the content you copied into the system clipboard and makes the content grouped by types for easy management and orderly.
Intelligent management and Simple operation
* The capacity of the system clipboard is no longer limited, and there is a complete history that will not be lost even after restarting.
* Smart classification clipboard content into text, links, images, files, etc.
* Beautiful interface and convenient shortcut key operation
* Support drag and drop content from uPaste to other applications
* Support quick paste
* Support add app into blacklist to protect personal privacy
[Feature list]
- Stay By Your Side
Keep everything organized in multiple categories, automatically. Copy & Paste at any time. Just as simple as using a sticky note.
- Drag & Drop
1. Drag & Drop a ColorBar to reorder it as you like.
2. Drag the "+" button to move up & down to adjust the SideBar position.
- Click & Shortcut
1. Single-click the history item to preview the details.
2. Double-click the history item to paste the content.
3. Or all done with shortcuts!
- Tag Your Favorites
Tag a history into your own list. Manage & search for important things easily & quickly.
- Fast Auto-Tagging
Automatically group the snippets into the starred list. Use your custom list as a temporary workspace.
- Support Application filter out rules
You can set an application into the blacklist, uPaste will not record the copied content from that application to prevent privacy leaks
- Password management application auto protection
Ignore the content copied from password management applications. Such as 1password, etc.
- Support quick search
Press Command + J to open the quick search panel on the desktop. Use the up and down arrow keys to quickly select a target and then press Enter to copy it.

Version 1.2.33:

  • Fix a crash issue
  • Add the setting item of whether to show the sidebar when other applications enter full screen


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"uPaste" Mac软件下载历史版本


文件下载 系统:macOS 10.13或更高版本 大小:50.51MB | 语言:多国语言[中文] 经确认:支持Big Sur、M1芯片、Monterey运行
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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: