Windows App Mac版 微软远程桌面软件 v11.0.5(2401) 直装版

摘 要

Windows App Mac版是专为Mac用户打造的远程桌面应用,支持无缝连接Windows设备,提供高清显示、文件传输和安全加密等功能,适用于办公协作、技术支持和服务器管理等场景。

Windows App Mac版 微软远程桌面软件
所属分类:大小100M-500M  远程控制 适配:macOS 12.0或更高 大小:129.81MB | 语言:中文 | 授权:破解 最后更新:2024年10月12日
Windows App Mac破解版下载免费尽在知您网zhiniw.comWindows App Mac破解版下载免费尽在知您网zhiniw.comWindows App Mac破解版下载免费尽在知您网


Windows App mac破解版下载是知您网搜集到的Mac os系统上一款微软推出的功能强大的远程桌面应用,其前身是广受好评的Microsoft Remote Desktop。这款应用程序专为Mac用户设计,允许用户轻松连接并控制运行Windows操作系统的远程计算机。无论是办公室电脑、家用PC还是服务器,Windows App都能提供流畅、高效的远程访问体验。
Windows App for Mac软件功能介绍
远程连接:支持多种协议,包括RDP(Remote Desktop Protocol),让用户能够无缝连接到远程Windows设备。
• 多设备支持:可以同时连接多个远程桌面,方便管理和切换。
• 高清显示:提供高质量的图形传输,确保远程桌面的操作体验与本地操作几乎无异。
• 文件传输:允许用户在本地和远程计算机之间轻松传输文件,提高工作效率
• 剪贴板共享:支持剪贴板内容的双向同步,方便复制粘贴文本和图片。
• 安全性:采用先进的加密技术,保障数据传输的安全性。
• 自定义设置:用户可以根据需求调整分辨率、颜色深度、音频重定向等设置,以优化远程访问体验。
Windows App for Mac软件进阶功能
远程连接:Windows App允许用户从Mac设备安全连接到Windows的网关,包括远程电脑、Windows 365、Azure虚拟桌面、Dev Box和远程桌面服务等。
• 统一客户端:通过Windows App,用户可以享受统一客户端的简洁性,无需为不同的远程连接服务安装多个客户端。
• 跨平台支持:该软件不仅支持Mac平台,还提供了Windows、iOS、安卓及Web在线版本,实现跨平台的无缝连接。
• 连接管理:连接中心内提供了简化的连接和账号管理功能,方便用户管理和切换不同的远程连接
• 音视频流式传输:支持音频和视频的流式传输,提升远程办公和在线协作的体验。
• 设备重定向:可以重定向文件夹、剪贴板和本地设备(如麦克风和摄像头),实现更高效的远程操作。
Windows App for Mac软件使用场景
• 办公协作:团队成员可以远程访问公司内部的 Windows 计算机,进行协同工作。
• 技术支持:IT 技术人员可以远程诊断和解决问题,无需亲自到场。
• 家庭使用:家庭成员可以远程访问家中的 PC,进行文件管理和娱乐活动。
• 服务器管理:管理员可以远程管理服务器,执行维护和配置任务。
在,轻松下载Windows App Mac版。安装过程简单快捷,无论是新手还是老手都能迅速上手。Windows App不仅集成了多项先进功能,更为Mac用户提供了便捷、安全的远程访问解决方案。无论在工作中还是日常生活中,它都能显著提升您的生产力和便利性。快来zhiniw.com下载Windows App Mac版,开启无缝连接的远程桌面服务之旅吧!


Windows App Crack, collected by Zhiniw for Mac OS users, is a robust remote desktop application introduced by Microsoft, succeeding the widely acclaimed Microsoft Remote Desktop. This application is specifically designed for Mac users, enabling them to easily connect and control remote computers running the Windows operating system. Whether it's an office computer, home PC, or server, Windows App provides a smooth and efficient remote access experience.
Features of Windows App for Mac
• Remote Connection: Supports multiple protocols, including Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP), allowing seamless connection to remote Windows devices.
• Multi-Device Support: Enables simultaneous connections to multiple remote desktops for easy management and switching.
• HD Display: Provides high-quality graphics transmission, ensuring that the remote desktop experience is almost indistinguishable from local operation.
• File Transfer: Facilitates easy file transfer between local and remote computers, enhancing work efficiency.
• Clipboard Sharing: Supports bidirectional synchronization of clipboard content, making it convenient to copy and paste text and images.
• Security: Utilizes advanced encryption technology to ensure the security of data transmission.
• Customizable Settings: Allows users to adjust settings such as resolution, color depth, and audio redirection to optimize the remote access experience.
Advanced Features of Windows App for Mac
• Remote Connection: Windows App allows users to securely connect from Mac devices to Windows gateways, including remote computers, Windows 365, Azure Virtual Desktop, Dev Box, and Remote Desktop Services.
• Unified Client: Offers the simplicity of a unified client, eliminating the need to install multiple clients for different remote connection services.
• Cross-Platform Support: The software supports not only the Mac platform but also provides Windows, iOS, Android, and web-based online versions for seamless cross-platform connectivity.
• Connection Management: The connection center provides simplified connection and account management functions, making it easy for users to manage and switch between different remote connections.
• Audio and Video Streaming: Supports streaming of audio and video to enhance the remote working and online collaboration experience.
• Device Redirection: Allows redirection of folders, clipboard, and local devices (such as microphones and cameras) for more efficient remote operations.
Usage Scenarios of Windows App for Mac
• Office Collaboration: Team members can remotely access company internal Windows computers for collaborative work.
• Technical Support: IT technicians can remotely diagnose and resolve issues without being physically present.
• Home Use: Family members can remotely access home PCs for file management and entertainment activities.
• Server Management: Administrators can remotely manage servers to perform maintenance and configuration tasks.
At, you can easily download the Windows App for Mac version. The installation process is simple and quick, making it accessible for both beginners and experienced users. Windows App not only integrates numerous advanced features but also provides a convenient and secure remote access solution for Mac users. Whether for work or daily life, it significantly enhances your productivity and convenience. Visit to download the Windows App for Mac and embark on a seamless remote desktop service journey!

Windows App Mac软件下载历史版本

版本 下载 备用 密码
11.0.4(2396) 立即下载 其它下载地址 ssay
文件下载 芯片:✅ 支持Intel/M1/M2/M3 适配:macOS 12.0或更高 大小:129.81MB | 语言:中文 | 授权:破解 兼容:✅ Monterey/Ventura/Sonoma/Sequoia运行
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